What is your testimony? Can you share it in three phrases? That may be all the time you have to keep someone's attention so they want to hear more.
One person wrote:
“I noticed I was putting things in my life that only postponed my emptiness. I pursued the concept of truth and read part of the Bible. I discovered my concept of God was wrong. He wants a relationship. I’ve been gladly following Him since then and feel like I’m moving toward abundance.”
Here are four steps to get you started:
1) What are two or three words that describe your life before Christ (or before you walked with Christ?
2) What are two or three words that describe what your life was like after you received Christ?
3) Write one sentence that tells how or when you received Christ
4) Now see if you can combine this all into a paragraph in the box below
Using the two or three sentences in each of the sections above expand your story with three parts (we suggest using 300-500 words maximum).
Make sure to use as few religious sounding words as possible unless you explain what they mean.
Two words about your life before Jesus
Two or three sentences about your life before Jesus - make sure you utilize your 2 words
Two or three sentences about how you came to know Jesus
Two words about your life after Jesus
Two or three sentences about your life after coming to know Jesus - - make sure you utilize your two words