Show Facilitator Notes


Celebration & Commissioning


The purpose of this session is to celebrate what God has done in the participant’s life and through their Prayer-Care-Share activities with people in their networks. It is to celebrate their faithfulness and to challenge them to continue pursuing multiplying churches and faith communities. All participants will summarize what they have learned from LAUNCH training and explain how they will apply that to their ministry in the future.

(UP TO 20 MIN)

Prayer and Care


[If in a large group setting, choose a new facilitator in each small group who will guide the small group discussion.]

  • Have each person share how they are doing and 1-2 prayer requests with their group. Pray for one another.

[NOTE: If someone’s needs demand more attention during this time, set a time after the meeting to help meet those needs.]

Celebrate Faithfulness

  • How was your walk with Jesus this week?
  • Have each person tell what happened as they trusted God for their goals and their “I will by when” statements

Previous Goal

Motivation and Encouragement


Cast vision for who they can become in Christ or what God can do through them. For example:

  • You have been working hard and trusting God while taking steps of faith to minister to those around you. You have probably experienced some of the same feelings that the disciples felt when they were sent out by Jesus into unfamiliar villages of Galilee. Today, we are together to reflect and to celebrate all that God has done. Let’s remember what Jesus said to the disciples in Luke 10:17-20 when they celebrated the work God had done through them:

“When the seventy-two disciples returned, they joyfully reported to Him, ‘Lord, even the demons obey us when we use your name!’ ‘Yes,’ he told them, ‘I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning! Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.”

As we acknowledge God’s work through us, let’s remember Jesus’ wise words to help us keep all these things in perspective!

(30-40 MIN)

Activity #1: Sharing Highlights

  • Ask for volunteers to tell highlights from this experience. (Stories of changed lives, spiritual conversations, decisions for Christ, how we’ve grown spiritually, major take-aways from sessions and from the Word of God, etc.)
  • Take time to worship the Lord together and pray for new believers.
  • [NOTE: Consider the spirit and exhortation of Psalm 111:1-4.]

Activity #2: Recognition and Celebration

  • Recognize and celebrate everyone who has completed Sent 6:7. Acknowledge each person’s successes and faithfulness. Some areas to recognize:
    • Practiced Prayer-Care-Share with others and leading people to Christ
    • Identified God-Prepared People
    • Practiced the Art of Neighboring
  • Present certificate or memento of some kind that represents their commitment for trusting the Lord to use them (suggest using Acts 6:7). Thank them for their contribution to the group.

Activity #3: What’s Next?

  • Reaffirm the vision of multiplying churches, faith communities, and disciple-making groups.
  • We watched this video in Session 1, but let’s review it again. We can’t forget our purpose. Re-watch video: This is Discipling – This is Church
  • Have group members answer these questions and share:
    • What caught your attention and why? What was different about watching it again this time?
  • Explain what the next steps will be for those who have started small groups of new believers and those who desire to move in that direction.
    • Additional direction and support will be offered through the Next Steps and Planning session.
    • Set a date and time for this to take place.
  • Encourage those who have not yet started a group to keep reaching out and ministering to people. Let them know they will receive needed help when they are ready.
  • What caught your attention and why?
  • What was different about watching it again this time?

● Next Steps meeting info:

(15- 20 MIN)


  • Practice Foundational Bible Studies or any skill learned in previous lessons to help participants gain confidence for the next steps they will take. Ask:
    • What skill needs more practice, so as to gain confidence? Are there any questions or anything unclear from any lesson in LAUNCH?
  • If you as the facilitator noticed any skill that needs practice, take time to address it now.
  • Remind everyone where all the resources can be found:
  • Review skills learned in previous lessons. What needs more practice?
  • All the resources can be found at


  • Identify someone you will take the initiative to minister to this week.
  • Write Next Step Goals and share them with your small group. (“I will by when”)

Next Step Goal

  • Touch base with your accountability partner.
  • Next week we will discuss next steps and share with you an opportunity to participate in DEVELOP - a peer coaching circle for ongoing leadership development, ministry evaluation, and community.


  • Commit everyone’s goals to the Lord. Ask the Lord to help us be faithful and use us to start a movement of disciple-makers