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The Disciple-Making Pathway


The purpose of this session is to examine how we will mobilize new followers of Jesus. We will explain a disciple-making pathway, showing how the next generation of disciple-makers will be made. This session will also focus on the Three-Thirds (3/3) discipleship process and analyze how to use it to help new believers grow in their relationship with Christ.

(UP TO 20 MIN)

Prayer and Care


[If in a large group setting, choose a new facilitator in each small group who will guide the small group discussion.]

  • Have each person discuss what they are thankful for this week.
  • Have each person share how they are doing and 1-2 prayer requests with their group. Pray for one another.

[NOTE: If someone’s needs demand more attention during this time, set a time after the meeting to help meet those needs.]

Celebrate Faithfulness

  • How was your walk with Jesus this week? (Encourage loving accountability to obey Jesus.)
  • Have each person tell what happened as they trusted God for their goals and their “I will by when” statements.

Previous Goal

Motivation and Encouragement


Cast vision for who they can become in Christ and/or what God can do through them. For example:

You are following Christ. You are becoming “fishers of men!” ( Matthew 4:19 ) Helping others grow is a critical part of the Great Commission. We are partnering with God in this work. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants, nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” As we faithfully share the Word of God, we can rest knowing that it doesn’t depend on us, but God brings growth.

(30-40 MIN)

Activity #1: 3/3 Discipleship Process and PURSUE

  • Use the Three-Thirds Process Brief LAUNCH Sent 6:7 PowerPoint to review the core parts of the discipleship meeting and which parts help produce multiplication (use a screen or monitor for better viewability).
  • When finished, introduce the disciple making pathway called PURSUE - Foundations for Growth (Foundational Bible Studies, Study of the Gospels, Study of Acts). PURSUE’s goal is to establish people in their faith and mission. Briefly preview the 16 Foundational Bible Study (FBS) lesson topics covered.
  • Explain PURSUE has three main parts:
    • 1) Personal Relationship with God - lessons 1-7
    • 2) Mission with God - lessons 8-12
    • 3) Community - lessons 13-16
  • Emphasize that the layout matches the parts of the “Three-Thirds (3/3) Discipleship Process.”
  • As you walk through the slides, explain what DEVELOP is: “DEVELOP – Peer coaching among leaders. This is a group that may meet quarterly to support those who begin leading their own Sent 6:7 groups.”
  • Remind everyone that the sessions can be found at:
  • Answer any questions.
  • Core parts to a discipleship meeting.
  • What parts help produce multiplication? 
  • Review the 16 Foundational Bible Study (FBS) Lessons covered in PURSUE.

Activity #2: PURSUE Foundational Bible Study (FBS) #1: Assurance of Salvation


It is important to know what to do when someone says “yes” to following Jesus. We play a critical role in making disciples who can make disciples so that all people will have a chance to hear the gospel and know someone who follows Christ. One way to do this is to teach them foundational truths found in PURSUE.

Now let’s experience the discipleship process by going through PURSUE’s Foundational Bible Study (FBS) #1 together. We are going to work through a discipleship meeting step-by-step so that you can understand how to use the Three-Thirds (3/3) discipleship process in your own discipleship meetings.

[NOTE: For this demonstration, lead the group through each section of PURSUE’s FBS #1: Assurance of Salvation (John 10:22-30). Here is a copy of the teaching notes and the session notes. Ensure group members have both sets of notes so they can see what they will need to lead their own group. If printed copies are needed, have those available to the group. If in a larger group, the facilitator is to give the instructions for each section to everyone. The small group facilitator’s role is to guide their group's discussion for each section. The overall plan of PURSUE can be found here.]

  • For each section of Looking Back, Looking Up, and Looking Forward, read the instructions and give a small amount of time to guide the discussion before moving on to the next section.
  • Remember, this is a shortened example of what a Three-Thirds discipleship session would be like. Manage your time carefully to only spend 10 minutes for Looking Back, 10 minutes for Looking Up, and 10 minutes for Looking Forward.
  • After you have completed the guided demonstration, have group members discuss the discipleship process by answering: — What caught your attention and why?
  • PURSUE’s FBS #1: Assurance of Salvation ( John 10:22-30 ) (see teaching notes and session notes)
  • What caught your attention and why?

+ Summary

(15- 20 MIN)



“Now that you have seen how to lead a PURSUE FBS lesson using the Three-Thirds (3/3) discipleship process, you will have a chance to practice leading a portion of a lesson.

Practice the Looking Up section of FBS #2: Relationship and Fellowship (Luke 15:11-24) or FBS #3: Keeping in Step with the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14-3:3).


  • Add new people you have met to your Oikos Network List .
  • Identify people you interacted with as an Explorer and who displayed characteristics of a God-Prepared Person.
  • Identify 3+ people with whom you seek to act as a Guide.
  • Write Next Step Goals and share them with your small group. (“I will by when“)
  • Touch base with your accountability partner.

Next Step Goal


  • Commit everyone’s goals to the Lord. Ask the Lord to help us be faithful and grow us as leaders.

In Your Time With God