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Building Bridges


The purpose of this session is for participants to learn the CoJourner role of a Builder, and determine how to build bridges to the gospel when obstacles present themselves as the gospel is shared.

(UP TO 20 MIN)

[If in a large group setting, choose a new facilitator in each small group who will guide the small group discussion.]

  • Have each person discuss what they are thankful for this week.
  • Have each person share how they are doing and 1-2 prayer requests with their group. Pray for one another.

[NOTE: If someone’s needs demand more attention during this time, set a time after the meeting to help meet those needs.]

Prayer and Care

Celebrate Faithfulness

  • How was your walk with Jesus this week? (Encourage loving accountability to obey Jesus.)
  • Have each person tell what happened as they trusted God for their goals and their “I will by when” statements.

Previous Goal

Motivation and Encouragement


Cast vision for who they can become in Christ and/or what God can do through them. For example:

We’ve been learning that all people are on a spiritual journey. Journeys often encounter obstacles along the way. That is true in the physical world, think of the “bridges over the Mississippi River.” The same is true in spiritual journeys. There are all kinds of obstacles standing in the way—intellectual issues, emotional baggage, relational pressures, and resistance of the will. For us to be a Builder in someone’s spiritual journey is to come alongside them, to recognize the obstacle(s) between them and Jesus, and to build a way over and beyond it.

For example, after Jesus interacted with the Samaritan woman, He taught his disciples an important mindset. “Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, then comes the harvest'? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” The disciples could only see people who were not like them and who were resistant. Jesus looked with spiritual eyes and saw people who were ready to receive the gospel. Remember, God is always at work around us, and we have the amazing privilege to join Him in the work. There is a ready harvest in our city and community. Let’s keep taking the initiative to live a Prayer-Care-Share lifestyle.

(30-40 MIN)

Activity #1: Paul the Builder

  • Utilize the Discovery Bible Study process.
    • Read: Acts 17:16-34
    • Discovery Discussion: What caught your attention and why?
    • Retell: Have people pair up and retell the story in their own words. (Retelling reinforces learning the Scriptures. It allows us to share God’s word more naturally where we live, work, learn, and play as we ask God to advance the mission through us.)
  • If in a large group setting, ask 1 or 2 people to summarize what was discussed.
  • Read Acts 17:16-34.
  • What caught your attention and why?
  • Pair-up and retell the story

+ Summary

  • Sometimes we encounter various issues that hold people back from accepting Christ and following Him. For example, there could be intellectual issues, emotional issues, volitional issues (resistance of the will), and/or spiritual issues that hold people back. In a way, all are spiritual issues as Satan blinds (2 Corinthians 4:4), thwarts (1 Thessalonians 2:18), and battles (Ephesians 6:11-12) over the lives of the unbelieving. Yet our weapons have divine power to destroy strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
  • Ask the group: In your Oikos Network/social circle, what would you say is their greatest obstacle to the gospel?
  • Have the group choose two of the following seven common obstacles and discuss how they might overcome them.
    • God’s view of sexuality: “Aren’t Christians disobeying God by judging others in the LGBTQ+ culture?”
    • The problem of evil: “I cannot believe in or follow a god who allows so much evil and suffering.”
    • Religious pluralism (many paths to God): “Ultimately all religions count. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, in the end they all lead to the same place. Right?”
    • Cultural Christianity: “Don’t you Christians equate the Kingdom of God with democracy, a political party, or American Nationalism? I have a problem with that.”
    • The reliability of the Bible: “I’m not sure I can believe in the Bible. It’s just an ancient document.”
    • Injustice and the hypocrisy of Christians: “So many who call themselves Christians are hypocrites. Consider the history of oppression and slavery, and how Christians have been silent and apathetic toward justice.”
    • Science and the Bible: “Hasn’t science disproved the Bible? Aren’t they in conflict?”

+ Activity #2: Identifying Common Obstacles

Activity #3: Builder Toolset and Identifying Common Bridges


There are two main skills that we need as Builders: prayer for spiritual blindness to be overcome and gentle and loving persuasion using the common bridges.

Let’s look at the following passages.

  • Have someone read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 2 Corinthians 4:4 and another person read Ephesians 6:12-20.

God has given us what we need to help others, and it begins with prayer. Prayer has the power to address the problem at its root—in the heart, mind, and will of the individual, giving light to blind eyes and setting the captive free.

Let's pause and pray now for those on our Oikos Network Lists

  1. Prayer -- read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 2 Corinthians 4:4, and  Ephesians 6:12-20.

+ 2. Gentle and Loving Persuasion

+ Common Bridges


Have group members answer:

How can the bridges just described help us overcome obstacles and continue in our Guide role?

How might you use them to address the two obstacles you just discussed in Activity #2?

(15- 20 MIN)


  • Did you download the JesusFilm app? (This was suggested in session 3.) Have someone share their experience with it (if possible).
  • Have participants pair up and practice sharing the gospel using either GodTools, Knowing God Personally or Gospel on a Napkin . (These gospel tools were shown in Session 6.)
  • Remind them of the three things we need to do when someone says “yes” to the gospel.
    1. Let them know that you want to help them grow in their new relationship with Jesus. Set up a time to start meeting with them for Bible study. Invite them to your church fellowship. As you follow the person up, help them to gain a vision for sharing their faith, albeit new faith in Christ and be intentional in it. Here is how you can motivate for this. Say, “Builders keep lists: running tallies of lumber, lunch orders, roofing nails, and the like. A CoJourner does the same in their role as a Builder. We want to pray by name for those God has carefully placed in our life who don’t yet know Him. It’s a list we can always add to and update as we explore the lives of our friends and acquaintances.”
    2. Ask them, “Who are some others that need to hear this?” Encourage them to pray for those people regularly. Help them download GodTools or encourage using Gospel on a Napkin. *This is a VERY important step that allows us to see the multiplication of the gospel. We have learned that a God-Prepared Person is a person of relationship. They are excited and open to reach their network of family and friends with the Good News. You are simply casting a vision for this from the very beginning of their new life in Christ.
    3. Pray for them before you leave
  • Download the JesusFilm app
  • Practice sharing the gospel using a tool shown in Session 6 .
  • Review the 3 things we need to do when someone says “yes” to the gospel.


  • Review your Oikos Network List , add people you have met, pray for them.
  • Identify anyone you interacted with as an Explorer and who displayed characteristics of a God-Prepared Person.
  • Identify people from your Network List with whom you seek to act as a Guide and pray for them
  • Write Next Step Goals and share them with your small group. (“I will ___by when”)
  • Touch base with your accountability partner.

Next Step Goal


  • Pray for next step goals and ask the Lord to help us be faithful and use us to start a movement of disciple-makers.

In Your Time With God