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Sharing the Gospel Personally

  • The purpose of this session is for participants to continue to learn the CoJourner role of a Guide, particularly how to use a gospel tool to introduce people in their networks and communities to Christ. They will also learn what it means to be a faithful witness. [Romans 1:16]
(UP TO 20 MIN)

Prayer and Care


If in a large group setting, choose a new facilitator in each small group who will guide the small group discussion.

  • Have each person discuss what they are thankful for this week.
  • Have each person share how they are doing and 1-2 prayer requests with their group. Pray for one another.

If someone’s needs demand more attention during this time, set a time after the meeting to help meet those needs.

Celebrate Faithfulness

  • How was your walk with Jesus this week? (Encourage loving accountability to obey Jesus.)
  • Have each person tell what happened as they trusted God for their goals and their “I will by when” statements.
  • Have everyone share their Three Phrase Story.

Previous Goal

Motivation and Encouragement


Ask the group to self-identify their barriers to personal evangelism. Name two of the following barriers that you identify with: lack of desire, fear, lack of know-how/training, few friendships or contact with non-believers, business/lifestyle habits that keep me from spending time with non-believers.

Cast vision for who they can become in Christ or what God can do through them. For example:

  • In 2 Corinthians 5:17-20, the Word of God calls us to “Be reconciled to God!” This is the heart of our vision—helping people know God. Our desire is to be aligned to the Father’s heart so that “none should perish” (2 Peter 3:9) and to see reconciliation with God happen in the lives of more and more people. And this is why we are here together, to learn and be encouraged to be more fruitful in the ministry of reconciliation that we have been given. Let’s keep trusting the Lord to use us!
(30-40 MIN)


We have been learning how to develop into a healthy and authentic CoJourner and live the Prayer-Care-Share lifestyle. We have already learned about finding Persons of Peace and God-Prepared People and telling our story. Now we are going to learn about the second skill of a Guide—sharing the whole gospel well.

In our Becoming a CoJourner workshop we introduce the three modes of evangelism:

  • natural,
  • community, and
  • ministry.

Remember, the term mode is defined as “a preferred or customary way of doing something.” These “modes” describe the ways in which we recognize God working through our witness to help people come to know Him.

  • Right now, we will consider the natural mode which occurs when we share with someone because of our relationship or natural connection. We intersect with countless people in our everyday lives—in the workplace, where we play, at family gatherings, on the soccer field, or in the classroom. By being alert, available, prayerful, and prepared, great things can happen. (See Ephesians 6:18-19 and Colossians 4:2-6.)

Later, in Session 9, we will talk about how we can use both the community and ministry modes.

Activity #1: What is the Gospel?


Have group members answer: “What does a person need to know before they become a Christian?”

  • If in a large group setting, after a few minutes, ask for answers from the larger group.
  • Have the group read 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 and compare the group list with what we find in this passage.
  • What does a person need to know before they become a Christian?
  • Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-8


  • The gospel is about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. People need to know He died on the cross in their place–taking their penalty of sin and experiencing the wrath of God instead of them. Jesus gladly took our sin, removing and absorbing our shame. Sin brought isolation. Jesus’ love on the cross, and death in our place, allows us to be accepted by God and experience peace with Him. People also need to know that He rose from the dead and now justifies us before God (Romans 4:25). His resurrection shows that He was both honored by God and only He can reconcile us to God. Lastly, people need to know that it is through their faith in Him that He saves them and He gives them eternal life. This faith is in His person and His work on the cross and in the resurrection. (See Ephesians 2:8-9; John 1:12; 1 John 5:11-13.)

Activity #2: Gospel on a Napkin

  • Show video: Gospel on a Napkin
  • Discuss: What do you like about Gospel on a Napkin?
  • Pair up and practice:
    • Introduction: “Here are a few things that show us what the Bible says about knowing God personally.”
    • Use PowerPoint to walk through Gospel on a Napkin.
  • Here is a printable pdf version of Gospel on a Napkin to make available to your group.
  • What do you like about Gospel on a Napkin?

Practice ( see Appendix )

+ When Someone Says “Yes”

+ When Someone Is Not Ready to Say“Yes”



How do we know if we have been successful in witnessing? Pause for answers
Being successful in witnessing is simply taking the initiative to share Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.

(15- 20 MIN)



  • Add new people to your Oikos Network List . Identify anyone you interacted with as nan Explorer and who displayed characteristics of a God-Prepared Person.
  • Identify people with whom you seek to act as a Guide.
  • Share Next Step Goals with your group.
  • Set a time to go out witnessing with a seasoned evangelist or accountability partner using a tool you’ve learned.

Next Step Goal


  • Ask the Lord to help us be faithful in sharing the gospel effectively.

In Your Time With God