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God-Prepared People


The purpose of this session is to gain an understanding of the principle of finding a person whom God has prepared—a person who bears fruit, who believes the gospel, perseveres, and reproduces. In other words, a God-Prepared Person is a Fourth-Soil Person. Each participant will describe the qualities of God-Prepared People, discuss how the CoJourner role of an Explorer will help to identify them, and explain the impact they can make in helping advance the mission of Jesus. [Luke 8:4-15]

(UP TO 20 MIN)

If in a large group setting, choose a new facilitator in each small group who will guide the small group discussion.

  • Have each person discuss what they are thankful for this week.
  • Have each person share how they are doing and 1-2 prayer requests with their group. Pray for one another.
  • You could ask: How was your walk with Jesus this week?

If someone’s needs demand more attention during this time, set a time after the meeting to help meet those needs.

Prayer and Care

Celebrate Faithfulness


Encourage loving accountability to obey Jesus.

  • Have each person tell what happened as they trusted God for their goals and their “I will by when” statements.

Previous Goal

Motivation and Encouragement


Cast vision for who they can become in Christ or what God can do through them. For example:

One of the greatest promises in all of scripture can be found in the Great Commission, and it is often overlooked. We tend to focus on the command to make disciples, but Jesus also promised, “I will be with you always, even to the end” (Matthew 28:20).

When we face challenges or fears in reaching out to others or in disciple making, remember Jesus' promise to be with us at all times, and that we will have the Holy Spirit to help direct and empower us.
(30-40 MIN)

Activity #1: The Parable of the Sower


As Jesus was traveling from town to town with his disciples, a large crowd began to gather. He began to tell a story or parable using the example of a farmer sowing seeds onto four different types of soil. Through this parable, we learn that the four types of soil represent four types of people and how they respond to Jesus’ message.

  • Utilize the Discovery Bible Study process.
    • Read: Luke 8:4-15.
    • Discovery Discussion: What caught your attention and why?
    • What can we learn about God or people?
    • How can we live differently in light of this passage?
    • Retell: Have people pair up and retell the story in their own words. (Retelling reinforces learning the Scriptures. It allows us to share God’s word more naturally where we live, work, learn, and play as we ask God to advance the mission through us.)
  • If in a large group setting, ask 1 or 2 people to summarize what was discussed.
  • Read Luke 8:4-15
  • What caught your attention and why?
  • What can we learn about God or people?
  • How can we live differently in light of this passage?
  • Pair up and retell the story.


Jesus teaches us that there are four types of people who receive his message, represented by four types of soil. Jesus sent out his followers to sow the gospel and find Fourth-Soil People. They were to do the same things he had been doing: praying for people, caring for their needs and sharing about the Kingdom (see Luke 10:1-11).

This can be summarized as the Prayer-Care-Share lifestyle. Prayer is found in verse 2, and both Care and Share are found in verse 9. He multiplied himself by training and sending out new workers. 

Activity #2: Biblical Examples of God-Prepared People

  • A God-Prepared Person is a Fourth-Soil Person. As we look at these passages and stories, we will discover that they receive you and your message. They are a person of relationship. They are excited to reach their network of family and friends with the Good News.
  • As a group, read or watch at least two examples below. As the videos play or the Bible story is read, have the participants fill in the following chart with their answers to the questions.
    • Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:1-42): Read text or watch film:
    • Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10): Read text or watch film:
    • Diana’s story - Panama
Person How would you describe this person? What did this person do that makes them a God-Prepared Person/4th Soil Person?

Samaritan woman

John 4:1-42

Curious; Open to spiritual things; Interactive; Broken sinner; Eager to tell others about Jesus Openly agreed with Jesus’ assessment of her; Eager to share Jesus with her community; Started a movement where many were saved.


Luke 19:1-10

Spiritually curious; Broken sinner; Actively searching; Repentant Promptly and gladly followed Jesus; Hospitable; Publicly made amends in community; Displayed generosity (to openly demonstrate faith in Jesus)



Broken sinner; Joyful when experienced forgiveness; Eager to share Jesus with others Strong desire to make the Good News of Jesus known; Became a catalyst to share Jesus through in person and online discipleship groups; Connects new networks of people to the gospel through her relational networks
  • Have group members discuss the questions from the chart.
  • If in a large group setting, ask 1-2 group facilitators to summarize what was discussed.
Person How would you describe this person? What did this person do that makes them a God-Prepared Person/4th Soil Person?

Samaritan woman

John 4:1-42


Luke 19:1-10


Summary of God-Prepared People


As we saw in Luke 10:1-11,

Jesus sent out his followers to do the same things he had been doing. As they entered villages, they were to visit with people and meet their needs. Again, this is an example of the Prayer-Care-Share lifestyle.

They were to look for places where they were welcomed. They were to look for people who would show hospitality to them. They were to look for evidence that God was at work and where spiritual truth would be received. Where they were not received, they were to move on, always looking for those who were ready to receive them.

God-Prepared People will open up their relational networks - as they are someone who receives you and your message. They are a person of relationship. In some cases, it is a person that we’d least expect. They are excited to reach their network of family and friends with the Good News. Through their relational network, the gospel will expand to many new people and places. This is a core mindset in church multiplication. We should reach out to people expecting to find those whom God has prepared. Living a Prayer-Care-Share lifestyle as an Explorer is a good way to discover them.

At a later time, I want to encourage you to read the article God-Prepared People and study the verses mentioned in the section In Your Time With God below.

(15- 20 MIN)


  • Look at your Oikos Network List . Can you identify a God-Prepared Person or someone who displays those characteristics?
  • Review the role of an Explorer and the importance of asking good questions ( from Session 3 ).

Have each person share about their Network List.

Then, as a group, pray for potential God-Prepared People and for those they can begin sharing the gospel with.

  • Begin praying for potential God-Prepared People and people to share the gospel with from your Oikos Network List.


  • Identify 3 or more people on your Oikos Network List with whom you will initiate a brief conversation with as an Explorer.
  • For example, you could use Sometime, Life in the City, Soularium or you could say, “We want to be a blessing to the community and believe prayer helps. Is there something I/we could pray for you?” There are many other examples in the Becoming a CoJourner workshop. Mark them on your Oikos Network List.
  • Attend the next Becoming a CoJourner workshop.
  • Write Next Step Goals and share them with your small group. (“I will by when”)

Next Step Goal

  • Connect with your accountability partner (text, call, personal meeting).

Ask: “Who is your accountability partner? How is it going?” “If you don’t yet have one, let’s make sure to set it up now, and put it on your calendars when you meet next.”


  • Commit everyone’s goals to the Lord. Ask the Lord to lead us to God-Prepared People.

In Your Time With God

  • Study examples of God-Prepared People and discuss with another group member:
    • Matthew 9:9-10
    • Mark 5:14-20
    • Acts 16:13-15
    • Acts 16:25-34 .
  • Read or listen to Transferable Concept #7: Help Fulfill the Great Commission (Where to purchase)
  • The eBook The Viral Gospel by Alex Absalom is an excellent discussion of Persons of Peace: