Show Facilitator Notes


Keeping in Step with the Spirit

  • The purpose of this session is to understand how to be filled with the Spirit and the importance of how walking in the Spirit impacts our mission to reach our Oikos. This lesson introduces the Discovery Bible Study method (DBS) in the Looking Up section. Each participant will be encouraged to maintain a Spirit-filled life and demonstrate how to explain the Spirit-filled life to others. [Acts 6:1-7; Galatians 5:16-25]

Make sure everyone has a copy of the Participant Notes and you are ready to teach Satisfied?.

Do you need to hand out the booklet to each participant? Do all have the GodTools app downloaded?

(UP TO 20 MIN)

Prayer and Care


If in a large group setting, choose a new facilitator in each small group who will guide the small group discussion.

  • Have each person discuss what they are thankful for this week.
  • Have each person share how they are doing and 1-2 prayer requests with their group. Pray for one another.

If someone’s needs demand more attention during this time, set a time after the meeting to help meet those needs.

Celebrate Faithfulness

  • How was your walk with Jesus this week? (Encourage loving accountability to obey Jesus.)
  • Have each person tell what happened as they trusted God for their goals and their “I will by when” statements.

Previous Goal

Motivation and Encouragement


Cast vision for their identity in Christ or what God can do through them as they take steps of faith.

  • For example: King David was amazed that the God of all creation would be concerned with mankind. In Psalm 8, he asks the Lord, “What is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you care for him?” It is amazing that we serve a loving God who is powerful enough to do all things on His own, but who invites us to join Him in His work. He desires to work through us to take His love to the world.

From a leader of ABBA in Austin, TX: “To make the Metro Movement manageable, we have divided the Greater Austin area into 20 sub-regions. Today, the most unified sub-region (the city of Round Rock) had a collaborative serve day where over 40 churches produced over 1,500 volunteers, doing a wide variety of projects. I led a team as part of a smoke detector installation/fire safety survey effort done in partnership with RRFD. As part of the survey, we were allowed to ask residents if there was anything we could pray about for them. One 88-year-old Spanish-speaking lady who lives alone thanked us for coming because she never saw her own children as they were too busy for her. I asked if I could pray for her about this, she agreed, so I prayed that God would move in her children's hearts to love, honor, and respect her as she deserves. We left. About 20 minutes later I sent Elaine back to check on something that I forgot. The lady said that as soon as we left, her son called her on the phone, something that ‘never’ happens.

(30-40 MIN)

Activity #1-- Qualities of People Filled with the Spirit


This is the first introduction to the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) process.

Explain Context

As the early church grew in numbers, a problem arose. Widows from Greek-speaking Jewish backgrounds were being neglected. So, the Apostles decided on a solution to the problem. Let’s read about how the problem was settled.

  • We will practice the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) method throughout Sent 6:7. It is a way to both read, discover, and remember what the Bible says. The DBS involves reading, discovering through interaction, and repeating what we read in our own words. So let’s practice each of these three elements.
    • Let’s Read: Acts 6:1-7
    • For our Discovery Discussion: What caught your attention and why?
    • Then we Retell: Retelling reinforces learning the Scriptures. It allows us to share God’s word more naturally where we live, work, learn, and play as we ask God to advance the mission through us. When you are retelling, it’s important to remember that you’re not changing, contextualizing, or modernizing the story. Simply retell what you just read.

For the first lesson, have the group practice creating a bullet point outline together as a model of how to identify the main points of retelling a story. Then have people pair up and retell the story in their own words.

  • If in a large group setting, ask 1 or 2 people to summarize what was discussed.

Discovery Bible Study (DBS): Read, discover, and retell to remember

  • Read Acts 6:1-7 .
  • What caught your attention and why?
  • Pair-up and retell the story

Activity #2: The Fruit of the Spirit



  • Did you notice what qualities the leaders told the people to look for in Acts 6:1-7? [people full of the Spirit and wisdom] But how did people know who was filled with the Spirit and wisdom? Let’s look at another passage that gives a good description of the qualities that show up in the life of someone who is filled with the Spirit.

If in a large group setting, choose a new facilitator in each small group who will guide the small group discussion.

  • Let’s utilize the Discovery Bible Study process once again.
    • Let’s Read: Galatians 5:16-25
    • For our Discovery Discussion: What caught your attention and why?

If in a large group setting, ask 1 or 2 people to summarize what was discussed.


  • This passage gives obvious qualities of the fruit that comes from being filled with the Spirit. The people in the story from Acts 6:1-7 would have been able to see the fruit in the lives of the seven men who were chosen.

Discuss the following:

  • Whom do you know today that best displays this fruit of the Spirit in their lives? (share the name of a person who has the character of those mentioned in Acts 6 and why you chose them.)
  • How would our church be different if it were full of Christians who walked in the power of the Holy Spirit? How would our city be different?


We serve a God who works through us. He doesn't leave us at the mercy of the powers around us, but gives us the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, to obey him in big steps of faith.

  • We have seen how submitting to the Holy Spirit produces evident fruit in our lives and enables “the word of God to spread and the number of disciples to multiply (Acts 6:7). It is essential for us to allow the Holy Spirit to guide, direct, and empower us.

Walking in the Spirit is a moment by moment decision. For every follower of Christ, we should be inviting the Spirit regularly to fill, guide, and empower us to carry out his mission and purposes.

Dr. Bill Bright, who founded Cru, often said that the most significant thing a Christian could do is explain the Spirit-filled life to another believer. The brief outline and application points called Satisfied? helps to summarize and apply what we have learned about being filled with the Spirit. So, let’s look at it together to learn how to apply it to our own lives and communicate it with others.

  • Read Galatians 5:16-25.
  • What caught your attention and why?
  • How would our church be different if it were full of Christians who walked in the power of the Holy Spirit? How would our city be different?

Activity #3: How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit (Satisfied?)

  • Introducing the Satisfied? booklet or tool. {Pass out the booklet or have each participant download the GodTools app and open the Satisfied? tool. Or use the Satisfied? link directly}.
  • Assign each one of the following sections to different people: Satisfied?, The Divine Gift, The Present Danger, The Intimate Journey, The Empowering Presence.
    • Don’t assign Turning Point yet— we will look at that together after their discussion.
    • If using the Satisfied? booklet (not on GodTools), assign 2-3 pages to each person, but don’t assign page 12.
    • If using the GodTools app, be sure participants know to read through each white tab at the bottom of the screen they are assigned to study.
  • Have everyone study their assigned screen or page and write down what caught their attention and why.
  • After each person has had time to answer the questions, ask each group participant to explain the content of their section to the group and tell how they answered the questions. (Be sure to go in the order it is presented in the Satisfied? booklet.)


Now, as we finish, I would like for everyone to look at The Turning Point screen (or page 12). This is the most important part of this lesson. Let me read through this with you. There is also a chance to pray to be filled with the Spirit. I will read the prayer twice — once for your understanding and the second time as a prayer.

  • Read through the screen (or page) twice, and give participants a chance to pray to be filled with the Spirit the second time.
  • Ask if anyone prayed that prayer for the first time. Acknowledge those who respond.



Let me remind you of three things from Satisfied?:

  • First, the command and promise found on The Empowering Presence screen (or page 11). [Quickly summarize this.]
  • Secondly, God deeply cares about how we feel. Jesus joins us in our feelings and the Holy Spirit empowers us no matter how we feel. A Spirit-filled person doesn't rely on their feelings, but rather, experiences and interprets them through the lenses of God's Word and the Holy Spirit. This is found on The Turning Point (or page 13). [Remind them of the Airplane Diagram on page 14.]
  • And thirdly, if you have found this to be helpful, let me encourage you to share this with others. Aside from the gospel, this is the most important thing we can share with others.
(15- 20 MIN)


  • Review the Satisfied? booklet in your free time. (also in GodTools app)
  • Let’s take time to practice the Spiritual Breathing principle
    • Exhale ( 1 John 1:9) confess our sins, agree to change our attitude or actions
    • Inhale – surrender control of your life to Christ
  • Let’s ask God to fill and empower our lives (See page 12 of Satisfied? booklet) Pursuin

Review Satisfied? in your free time.

  • The Spiritual Breathing principle
    • Exhale - confess our sins agree to change our attitude or actions (1 John 1:9)
    • Inhale – surrender control of your life to Christ
  • Let’s ask God to fill and empower our lives (See page 12 of Satisfied? booklet)


  • Go to or write the person(s) whom you noticed displaying the fruits of the Spirit, telling them you studied Galatians 5:16-25  this week and thought of them.
  • Spend time with the Lord to make sure you are filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Let’s trust God to share the Satisfied?  booklet with others (2-3 people). Write their names on your Oikos Network List.
  • Is there a missional leader that’s not yet participating in this training you could invite?
  • Write your Next Step Goals  (“I will ___ by when”) and don’t forget to be in touch with your accountability partner.

Next Step Goal


  • Commit everyone’s goals to the Lord. Ask the Lord to help us be faithful and share the truths found in Satisfied?.

In Your Time With God