Show Facilitator Notes


The Mission of Jesus


The purpose of this session is:

  • to see how God is working today as people pursue Jesus (His person and His purpose);
  • to cast the vision for each participant starting a group of new believers from their relational networks that grows to practice the characteristics of Acts 2:44-47
  • and to understand an overview of the Sent 6:7 process.
(UP TO 20 MIN)

Make sure everyone has a copy of the Participant Notes or this webpage


  • Welcome participants, expressing appreciation that they are here.
  • Give an opportunity for each person to introduce themselves to the others in the group, telling why they joined LAUNCH. Turn to each participant and ask individually,
    • What is your name?
    • What do you do?
    • What are you passionate about?
    • What are you hoping to get out of our time together?
  • Share the purpose of LAUNCH - {see WELCOME TO THE LAUNCH GROUP for a good explanation}.
  • Pray and commit your time to the Lord.

Group Roles and Expectations

  • Explain how the small group discussions will take place.
  • If in a large group training:
    • A facilitator will be selected in each small group to help guide the discussions.
    • Each member is encouraged to participate in every discussion.

Throughout LAUNCH, we use the concept of living a Prayer-Care-Share lifestyle (PCS). The PCS lifestyle is one where we:


If in a large group setting, choose a new facilitator in each small group who will guide the small group discussion.

  • Read Philippians 4:8
  • Have each person discuss what they are thankful for this week.
  • Have each person share how they are doing and 1-2 prayer requests with their group. Pray for one another.

NOTE:  If someone’s needs demand more attention during this time, set a time after the meeting to help meet those needs.

Prayer and Care

Read Philippians 4:8


Cast vision for who group members can become in Christ and what God wants to do through them.

For example: Followers of Jesus are invited on a great journey with Jesus. In a way, we are to put our feet where the heart of Jesus takes us each step of the way.

  1. Jesus seeks and saves the lost (Luke 19:5-10). So, we ask, “How will the millions destined for God’s wrath be reached and rescued?”  
  2. Jesus makes disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). So, we ask, “How will new followers of Jesus be equipped, transformed, and multiply the Kingdom?”  
  3. Jesus moves to the broken. He heals, shows mercy, and loves to redeem (Isaiah 61:1-11; Luke 4:16-21). So, we ask, “How will the world come to understand Jesus’ heart of love? What are we helping to redeem?”  
  4. Jesus builds His Church. He creates a people for Himself, to be like Him, enjoy Him, and reflect His glory to the world (Titus 2:11-14; Ephesians 2:19-21). So, we ask, “How can I be engaged in spreading the Good News of the Kingdom throughout the whole world until there are people from every tribe, nation, and tongue who are obedient to the faith?” 
  • At the time of His baptism, he had no disciples! But He built a movement of disciples that would change the world. Jesus commanded his followers to go and make disciples. In other words, “they multiplied more disciples as they spread the word” (read Acts 6:7). The book of Acts records how the Spirit of God empowered the early followers of Jesus to continue this disciple-making movement! They spread God’s Kingdom through the multiplication of disciples and churches. However, the story ends abruptly in Acts 28 as if the story isn’t finished. In fact, the Lord is continuing to write the Acts of the Holy Spirit by using His people today. He also desires to use you to add to the story of multiplication. We will be on this journey together. I am excited about what the Lord will do through each of you.”

+ Motivation and Encouragement

(30-40 MIN)

Activity #1: Acts 2:42-47 Communities

  • Watch the video: This is Discipling – This is Church
  • Have group members answer this question and share with the group: What caught your attention and why?
  • Read Acts 2:42-47nand discuss: What characteristics do you see in this passage? How does it relate to the video?

Group Discussion

Retell the Story


For the first lesson, have the group practice creating a bullet point outline together as a model of how to identify the main points of retelling a story.

+ Summary


Activity #2: The Impact of Multiplication

+ Summary

(15- 20 MIN)



Hand out the Oikos Network List sheet. Explain that the terms used on this page will become understood as we continue through Sent 6:7. Explain what an OIKOS is:

An oikos is one’s circle of influence (network) composed of family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and neighbors. Oikos (οἶκōς) is the Greek word meaning “family, home, or extended household.” In relation to our mission, our oikos are a group of people with whom we share life. This is the most natural and common environment for evangelism to occur. This network is where God places us. God wants to use us among them.

Every week, each member in your groups will be encouraged to think and pray about people in their OIKOS.

  • Show video: Oikos Mapping
  • Acts 16:11-15 and Acts16:25-34 provide an example of how relational networks were used to rapidly spread the gospel in the early church. (Have someone read the passages.)
  • Have group members answer these questions and share with the group: What caught your attention and why?
    • In verses 11-15, Paul shares the gospel and Lydia comes to Christ. In v. 15 we see that Paul baptized Lydia’s entire household. This same thing happens with the jailer in  Acts 16:25-34. We move from the scene of Paul talking with the jailer in v. 31, to him sharing with the entire household in v. 32, and then in v. 33 he baptizes all of them.

Oikos evangelism is God’s natural bridge for sharing His supernatural message. We refer to this as “the natural mode of evangelism.” It focuses on relationships as the means of sharing the Good News. In the basic model, non-believers see lives transformed which, in turn, backs up their testimony, and thus may be used to convince others to follow Christ.

  • By the end of Session 3, our hope is that each of us will write on our Oikos Network List the names of 5-10 people who, in our opinion, are far from God (non-churched/non-Christian). These people are friends, neighbors, workmates, relatives, clerks in stores, etc. If you don’t know their name, write a description of them like “the lady who I buy vegetables from.” Make note of the Oikos Network List upper left-hand corner:
    • Participant's Network - their OIKOS: -
      • At Session 1, you will be asked to write down the name of your Accountability Partner from this training.
      • At Session 2, you will be asked to write down the names of 2-3 Christians whom you know from outside of this training - people of FAITH that could join LAUNCH. (Guide = called, capable, and motivated to train others.)
      • At Session 3, you will be asked to write down the names of 5-10 people who are not yet followers of Jesus, but whom you come in contact with regularly.
  • These are people we will pray for, show care to, and trust God to provide opportunities to share the gospel with them.
  • Explain that they will have an accountability partner who will help them be accountable in this process. Accountability format suggested: meet by phone, in person, or online between sessions to encourage application and pray. (Keep it gracious.)
  • Have group members choose an accountability partner and write the name of the partner on their Oikos Network List. Encourage them to set a time to meet.
  • Before the next session, encourage participants to download the GodTools app.
  • + Oikos: one’s circle of influence

+ Accountability Partner


  • Whom will you tell about the training, the videos, or a new idea you learned?
  • Explain how to write a clear Next Step Goal. Consider using this format: “I will _________ (do) by_________ (when).”
  • Have each person write a new Next Step Goal based on what they learned from the activities and tell it to the group.

Next Step Goal


In Your Time WIth God

Consider reading or listening to Transferable Concept #2: How You Can Experience God’s Love and Forgiveness and The U.S. as a New Mission Field


[NOTE: Mention next group meeting details.]